
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall Training

Fall training is more about getting the dogs in harness then anything else. It's not nearly as enjoyable as mushing across the snow while standing on the runners. Leaders need to remember their jobs, young dogs need time in harness, and everyone needs to start building miles.

Our land is on one end of Waskey Road so we can pull out of our driveway and mush down the road. The dogs learn to stay on the right hand shoulder. Waskey is a working road and cars drive by slowly and happy to see dogs in harness.

Lately we've been harnessing 13 dogs in front of a 4-wheeler with 2 guys riding it. The 4-wheeler is not running, just in neutral. Having 2 guys on the 4-wheeler works well. One guy can steer and work the brakes and the other can run up the line if need be. It's a very safe system and works well.

Eric and Ryan have been a huge help. It's a lot easier, and more fun, mushing with others. They even scoop poop. I could get used to this!

The kids come along for about 2/3 of the runs. Here Alethia is loaded up and ready to go home.

Hagar = 34 Lucky = 31 Luke = 50 Bing = 44 Bernard = 31
Charlie = 31 Felix = 40 Olaf = 28 Lucy = 19 Phoebe = 31
Ginger = 31 Arctic = 9 Louie = 31 Pete = 31 Chester = 31

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