
Thursday, October 18, 2007

It Ain't all Good Times and High Fives

For the most part, mushing is tons of fun and very fulfulling. But when working with living things, bad things can happen.

Right now, we have three dogs out of commission due to fighting. Dogs get in a scrap and one dog gets bitten on the foot or leg. A bite just about anywhere else is no big deal, but a car just won't run without good tires. In six years, this has happened once before and now it's happened three times in two weeks.

We think we have it figured out. It's happening during feeding time, some of the bowls needed to be moved. Dogs are in contact with their neighbors in the new dog yard. That allows for good socialization, but it also allows for this kind of thing to happen. But too, they are just more "edgy" then I've seen them before. There are a few new recruits in the yard, but they've been there almost a month. My dogs are some of the sweetest I know and I've never seen this much aggression in the yard. I know they don't like strange dogs, but this is their team - their pack. They've also never been in harness five days per week, maybe their energy levels are up.

One way or another, we need to deal with this. It's an incredible responsibility to bring an animal into the world. Most of my dogs are here because I wished it and made it happen. When I see my dogs's just not easy to take. Once a great young dog of mine died because of my actions. Johanna and others wouldn't let me get out of dogs although it was what I wanted to do then. This sense of responsibility helps create the bond that connects us all. It's not about preparing for races or optimal team performance. These are my dogs and they deserve to be well cared for. It always hurts to see them in pain.

The good news is that they are dogs and dogs heal well. I gave them antibiotics to fight off infection and let them mend. These aren't life threatening injuries and each of the dogs will be back in harness before long.

Even though it ain't all good times and high fives, I wouldn't trade this life for anything.

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